Sunday, February 24, 2013

After Ever After blog post

         In class this year, we read a book about an eighth grade boy coping with his brother who was diagnosed with cancer. The book was called Drums, Girls, and Dangerous Pie. I recently found out that there is a sequel to this book, but instead in Jeffrey's , the little brother, point of view. In the second book, Jeffery has reached eighth grade and is struggling with all of the pressure that comes with it. After having cancer for a couple of years, chemotherapy has poisoned his brain, making it really hard for him to do math. On top of that, he has girl problems, and his best friend is tourturing him him about it Those are only two of the many issues the main character faces in this book.

        Jeffery goes to the same middle school his now college age brother did. He also has the same English teacher. Those are pretty much the only normal thing in Jeffery's life. He met his best friend in the third grade, when he was new to Jeffery's school. His friend Thadeus, or Thad came in on crutches, and with a bald head and a scar running across his scalp. Jeffery introduced himself to him saying that he had cancer too. Thad made some sarcastic remark, and then they became friends. Going into middle school, Thad had much trouble walking, and had to be wheeled around in a chair. If you haven't guessed already, Thad didn't have Leukemia, he had brain cancer, and wasn't out of remission like Jeffery (the five year period after cancer treatment). Meanwhile, statewide tests have been introduced to New Jersey, which could be trouble for Jeffery.  There is a math test, and if Jeffery doesn't pass the test he will have to repeat the eighth grade. Thad has offered to tutor him, and Jeffery has a Thad try to walk on the treadmill in gym every other day, and Jeffery's goal is to get Thad to walk across the stage for graduation, and Jeffery promissed that he will be at graduation, with a passing grade in math. Aside from the two best friends, Jeffery has a crush on the new girl from California, and Thad has been making obvious remarks in front of her when they sit together in science everyday. Jeffery is also missing his brother Steven who is in Africa, playing drums.

          Jeffery is going to have a big eighth grade year, and this is only half of it. The other half you need to find out yourself. You should anyway.


  1. This looks sooo good. Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie really left me wanting more and this looks like it answers my lingering questions. Great post!

  2. wow, nice job, that book has been on my list for a while, now this makes me want to read it even more. i have been trying not to forget what happened in the first book just incase i ever get a chance to read it.

    Marina the BOAT-DOCK

  3. I agree with both Aleyna and Marina! I wanted to find out what would happen next after the first book. The ending wasn't enough for me to be satisfied. Your post is just making me want to read it even more! This will be the next book I read for sure! Nice post! Really long too.

