Sunday, January 13, 2013

Tweak blog post

             If you think I am obsessed with books about drugs you are wrong. I am only mildly obsessed with books about drugs. Just putting that out there, but that's besides the point. For those who have not read it, Tweak is a book about a boy named Nic Sheff (the author) growing up and ruining his life with drugs. Similar to Crank, he does a lot of meth and ruins his life. Unlike Crank, he actually checked into rehab, and went to college, but he ended up much worse than her. Then again, he started doing drugs much, much earlier. Also unlike Kristina in Crank, Nic Sheff was involved with a lot of other drugs besides meth. He also didn't have any children. At least, so far. Like Kristina he lied stole, got stolen from, and had relationships with people that were either doing drugs, or had stopped for a little while and wanted to start using again. I just don't understand why some people do that to themselves. It ruins your life for years and from the books I've read recently, it is excruciatingly hard to get back on track again. The point I am trying to prove in this post is that Nic Sheff almost ruined his entire life with drugs. But he's alright now because he wrote the book I am currently reading.
             Nic Sheff got drunk for the very first time when he was-wait for it- eleven. That is younger than I am, and I have only had sips of red wine (blegh). So that is when it all started. His father also had an affair with another woman and his parents divorced when he was very young. Then his father married a different woman and they had a kid and Nic was left in the dust. I feel bad for Nic because he experimented with alcohol and it ended up with him puking all over the bathroom, but still liking the buzz it gave him. After, he progressed to other, much more dangerous and illegal substances. He got into all sorts of trouble. Arrests, overdoses, bar fights, fights in general over money and drugs. He dropped out of college twice, and stole 5 dollars from his little brother. He wrote checks for himself from his dad's checkbook, stole money from cash registers at stores he worked for, and stole stuff from the rehab he worked at for a little while. What I am trying to say is, drugs ruin your life. They make you steal for money to buy them, and then that money gets stolen and you get in a fight with that person. Then you steal more money. It's an ugly circle that you don't want to be a part of.
            All in all, that is why I think Nic Sheff's book Tweak is an amazing protrayal of the horrible things that take place when you do drugs.


  1. I read this book and I am obsessed with it, you made me obsess over it even more! Great Job!

  2. Sounds really dramatic and scary! I like how you really tried to understand it.
