Sunday, December 2, 2012

Glass blog post

Lucie Pascarosa         705

This girl is screwed up. That is about all I have to say. She lied. She cheated. He did drugs. She slept around. She got raped. She got pregnant at the end of each book. That is about as low as they get. She did meth at the age of seventeen, and then was introduced to crystal meth. She continued to smoke and do meth though out her first pregnancy, and while she was nursing her son. I am not sure why I am reading this book. It makes me sad that people actually do this to themselves, and affect other people with it. Kristina Snow went on a nice visit to her father only because the court demanded she did it. He got her addicted to meth, nicotine and other drugs. This book is based loosley on a true story. It proves that there really are those types of people in the world.

           After I read glass I began to wonder why all of Ellen Hopkins' books are in verse. All of them are describe Kristina's situation through poems. Each of the chapters are different poems. They are also written differently. Not always the typical column. Sometimes
                                                                                                                      are written like this. Or a column with missing words that are on the other side of the page. Now I finally realize why she wrote all/most of her books in verse. It is easier to describe something like drugs with poems because drugs are confusing and irrational, just like poems. I think it was actually a good choice to write it in verse because it really shows the character's inner thoughts, and feelings, and how much she doesn't care.

          All in all, this is why I think Ellen Hopkins wrote Burned, Crank, and Glass in verse because it describes it better, and shows the exact world around them in fewer words, but just as exact as a novel. That is not easy. That is why I chose to read Crank and Glass, the books about a seriously screwed up girl.


  1. These books sound really depressing, yet interesting. It's like, you're reading a book where the main characters life is MUCH worse than any of ours. It's weird to think how good we have it. I read a couple pages of one of those books, and it was intense. Wow sorry, I didnt even comment on your actual writing..
    Good job though!!

  2. I agree that all of these books do seem depressing. I'm reading Crank now and it's almost unbelievable, and Tweak sounds much worse!
