Sunday, December 16, 2012

Fallout blog post

          I started to read Fallout a couple weeks after I read the prequel to it, Glass. Unlike Glass, Fallout is not from Kristina's point of view, its from three of her kids'. Summer, Hunter, and Autumn.  The chapters are still in verse, but they alternate from different character's point of view. First it will be Hunter, then it will be Summer, and so on, but it has an order. They all live in different places, but they all have one thing in common; they all were rejected by their mother, Kristina Snow. They also share different fathers. Hunter's father is Brendan the rapist, Summer's father is Trey, and Autumn's father is a druggie named Ron. Hunter lives with his grandmother, who is now his legal mother. Summer lives with her aunt and her grandfather, and Autumn lives with Ron, after leaving a foster home. Besides the living situation, it seems that all of the siblings are in love. Well, maybe not Hunter who has cheated on his girlfriend at least twice, but at least he says he loves his girlfriend Nikki. Besides that, it seems that the girls are loosing their virginity to these guys they've only dated for about a month. Maybe a little more. Maybe.  Keep in mind one of them is only 15. What has this world come to?
           Besides what you might think, these children have not tried crystal meth yet, even though they were kind of set up for failure with their parents being dealers and users. No, but they have been offered, and tempted. They have all said no, but hunter does pot, and sometimes takes random drugs that his friend get from pharmacies or elsewhere. Besides, Hunter is in college, and the girls are not of age yet, so legally, they can't even smoke. Not that that ever stopped anyone in their family. I have yet to read the rest of the book, but I am at the end of it. I wonder what the end will bring. I am guessing that they will all meet each other or at least I hope. For Pete's sake, one of the sisters didn't even know that her other sister existed! I also think that at least one of them will try meth. I know I don't exactly look on the bright side, but sometimes you have to look on the realistic side. I also hope that they will make a movie out of these books. If done well, they could be excellent. 

           All in all, that's what I think will happen in the rest of Fallout, and all of the reasons that Autumn, Summer, and Hunter's lives are truly messed up.  


1 comment:

  1. I agree that Autumn, Summer, and Hunter's lives are messed up. I'm also reading the same book and I agree with all you say. Nice at discribing every little thing:)
