Sunday, November 4, 2012

The help and what the heck?

Lucie Pascarosa            705              2012

             I do not understand the book the help. I understand it, but I can't comprehend a time when people were so darn racist! I mean, if i was Abeline, I would of smacked that woman every time Mrs. Leefolt smacked her daughter. It is child abuse, or as I like to put it, ILLEGAL to smack your child that hard when they are that young, or any time period. It is not right! This post is going to be about all the wrong things about the help, that were unfortunately, realistic.

           Around the hundredth page of the book, Mrs. Leefolt and Ms. Hilly are the two main women in a group of ladies who get together often and discussed the matters of the colored maids using the bathroom for the white and "clean" ladies. They were going to make the maids use a different bathroom, built for them outside that was most likely dirtier, and definitely not as nice as the ones inside.

         In "The Help," there is a character who always bad-mouths the white women if they say or do something racist, and she is constantly getting fired. But she finds a woman who lives in a grand house in the country with her husband. she gets hired from 9-4, and the husband leaves for work at 8, and comes home at 5. See anything weird here? Yes. Yes you do if you have average intelligence. The wife doesn't want the husband to know until the end of the year which is months away. If that is not racist I don't know what is. I mean, the woman doesn't want her to know she hired a maid because the maid is black!

       All in all, these are only some of the racist things that pose a problem in the help are. Even when you think you aren't purposely being racist, and you slip up a bit, it could really offend someone. So think before you speak! Or don't say it at all.


  1. Hey it is Dorothy, I love your blog your very detailed and you keep it simple! I do not like messy blogs where words are scrambled all over. This is funny and it is 100% you. Thanks for writing this amazing blog spot.

  2. Yeah I really hear your voice in this piece! I hear what your saying about the help. That book was hard for me to imagine because it was in a time period I knew nothing about! So agree with you on that.


    Waniso Berry

  3. Hey, it's Marina
    I like the lesson you are trying to teach people. I haven't read the book myself, but if all of that you said was true, then this book must be pretty hard to read. I like the way you write your piece, it's not like you are trying to copy someone else's writing, it sounds like you, if you were to say this out loud, this is exactly how you would say it.
