Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Help and what the heck? Part 2

Lucie Pascarosa                                               705
                                   The Help and What the Heck? Part two: I finished it!

                 I just finished the amazing book, The Help. It was an amazing book that I could never put down, even when I was doing a project, or homework. I loved it so much, that I read it between classes. Not joking. When math ended, I would pull out my book and read it until I got to science or whatever class I was going to. Not many books are that worthy. Now, you might have noticed that I am not saying what the heck and complaining about the problems in this book. Well you are impatient, and need to learn how to wait a paragraph. There were a couple things I understood, but can't believe happened. Now this post is a complete SPOILER of the end, and if you have not read the help, DO NOT READ IT OR YOU WILL BE SAD! This is what was wrong and right with The Help.

            First, I will start about the bad things about The Help. There is one character named Miss Hilly, who will do anything to get the maids, or any person of color in trouble. She sent her maid to jail for stealing a ring that she hated in the first place. She did not treat her maid very nicely in the end. When the book came about maids experiences in Mississippi, she was telling every one is Jackson that it was about that town. Until she got to the last chapter which was about her. That chapter was about when Minny, a maid worked for Miss Hilly's mother. Minny was more infuriated than ever at Minny and she made a pie for Hilly with her feces in it. Yep, Her poop. And she ate it. After she finished the book she yelled at everybody who said it was about Jackson, and got Minny fired. hilly was also friends with Aibeleen's boss. Miss. Lefolt, who read it and fired Aibeleen. That isn't even the most depressing part. Minny has five children and is pregnant again. The only reason she wants to be pregnant is because her husband won't abuse her. When he found out she had a part in writing the book, he threatened and almost licked her in the bathroom and burned the house down. So she took the kids and left. And as the book says, she and Aibeleen were free. That was the biggest "what happens next" moment for me. You don't know. But that is the best part of the book because you don't know what happens next, and it leaves you with questions. But sometimes life is like that, and you just have to deal with it. I thought it was better not knowing what happened. They were free, and anything else would have been too much.

                   All and all, that is what I think about the Help, the good and the bad. Don't think I did not enjoy every part of this book, I did. But I want to show how wrong and extreme these characters actions and words were. I want to show how big of a deal it was, to write a book about how much black people hated or loved white people or the other way around. That is why I think the Help is such a good book.

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